FO :: Christmas to do list

The last item of my gift to do list is ticked off….. hot off my needles the socks for my Big man’s uncle …


😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

At last…. I can allow myself a day off…..




I need a break indeed…..

Hello,my fellow crafters and friends!

How are you?Are you in the middle of a crafting fever….? Me…. ? Sorry for being away for such a long while but…. well, this is how my kitchen table looks like lately……..




…..the appropriate word is CHAOS ……… and it is obvious that I need a small break before starting the second sock for my Big man’s uncle….. uhm,and some sleep too…… but in the middle of this mess I was able to craft and wrap my first gift….. Last week I was in Lucera, the town where my Big man is working and where I bought these two balls of Schachenmayr‘s yarn… (of course, one of the first things to do was to find a good haberdashery there…. 🙂 ) ….


….. and made a key ring for Katia….


….. some yarn for a yarnaholic is required ….



….. well,sorry ,I’m not good in wrapping….. 😛

So….. I’m not quite fresh right now to write about the time spent in Apulia (sorry,too much knitting….. ) but here are some nice shots I’d like to show you, just to say how beautiful Italy is…. well,this country surprises me so very often….







That’s it for now, my dears! I’ll be back as soon as my crafting fever will be over….. give me a few days…..

Happy and joyful crafting!!!!




The big one and the small one

Hello, my friends!

Do you remember this?The Fox Scarf for my nephew?

Well,I knitted another,smaller one, for his little brother….


…..can I be honest….? As soon as I wove in ends the smaller scarf I found myself moved to tears…. I’m one very happy aunt ❤  🙂 ❤

Oh, finally!! The Christmas gifts for my Croatian family are all finished off…. 🙂 🙂 🙂




A new pair of socks

A warm hello to all of you,my dear friends!

A quick post to show you the new pair of socks I knitted and which I have finished off a few minutes ago.





This pair is the Christmas gift for my Big man’s Brother in law and I’m so very happy that another entry of my to do list is ticked off…. there will be more socks but now there’s the bed which is tempting me so shamelessly so I’ll write about some other time…………

Wish you all a peaceful night!





Hello,my dear friends!

How are you and what are you crafting lately? Hope that, whatever you are doing, it makes you happy and brightens your moments! 🙂 Autumn is a perfect time to take care about ourselves and our loved ones.. 🙂

I have to admit that I’m quite busy these days…. crafting gifts,making important decisions with my Big man, tidying up the hidden corners of our home… but I needed a break and had to try myself in some blanket stitching… just because I wanted to…



I crafted these two scottie dogs using a template found here and after some attempts turned out quite badly,I’m rather satisfied with the blue dog… It is not perfect but I’m on a good way…. I don’t like the pink one..

Happy about my learning the blanket stitch I decided to try myself on a slightly bigger project…. When I moved here in Parma, the very first home accessories were bought by my Mother and Sister in law under request of my Big man…. ahem….not exactly a situation I wanted to find myself in…. but you know….. sometimes one has to keep the mouth shut and just try to live in peace….. well,the shopping was done in IKEA store …. did I already tell you that I HATE IKEA STUFF…? …. so…. I spent all this time  “destroying” the stuff I had at mine but there are things that I couldn’t just throw away…. like an ugly and appalling and unpleasant to touch pile blanket…. because my companion thinks that it is useful…. (….and you know…..all the effort that his relatives … ahem….I have some cough problems tonight….)…..


So… since I had at home some yarn of similar quality I cut off it’s “decorative ” (…. ahem… ) edge and stitched all around….



Inspired by some photos found on Pinterest I crocheted a nice edging….




…. and applied on it a crocheted heart, always using the blanket stitch…..




The blanket is still unpleasant to touch but now my bed has a more personal look…. and I feel much better and more at mine… 🙂

To crochet the edging I followed this chart… quite a nice blog with so much sweet stuff….

So,please,tell me, what do you think about my blanket makeover? What would you have done if you were in my shoes?

Wish you all a great evening!




Long and dark evenings….

Hi again,my dear friends!

On Sunday in the early morning the clock change occured so now,unfortunately,we have to deal with a lot of sunless hours… and which is the best way to face this unhappy condition….. ? Playing with yarn,of course!!!!

…. so…… some time ago I’ve found a nice afghan pattern on Raverly…. This is going to be my personal afghan so,since it was and still is a restful day today, I crocheted the two first squares, just to understand its dimentions and to test the yarn quality…. well, here follows the result….





….well,I’ll be in a full crochet immersion only after finishing all my Christmas to do list,but I can already tell that this is going to be a nice romantic project…. I really do like the hard contrast between the dark grey and the pink and think that my solitary evenings will be more pleasant while crocheting my new afghan! 🙂 The one I made a year ago and wich was usually the background of my photos is with my Big man now …. 🙂 ❤

….I’ve started to knit the first of the two cup cozies for a friend of mine….


…. and I made a purchase…. today I bought the above acrylic yarn for my afghan from Katia (and ordered her the rest, something about 60 balls….. my Big man will kill me….. for sure….)  and I saw this on her stand…..


….just three balls of Red Heart’s acrylic yarn, a job lot… I do not know what I will knit with that but I’m sure that, at the right moment, an idea will come up to my mind….. I’ve already at mine a remanant of a sock yarn ball with the same shades and the socks I’ve knitted myself turned out rather good so…..

….I’ve made my evening more colourful despite the dark outside and the sore throat! Ecco!!!!




PS:almost forgotten,I’ve ordered the second and the third book of the Millenium trilogy…. in few days they will be at mine…..

FO :: the Fox Scarf

Fox Scarf…. no,no, sorry, it’s a Rocket Scarf!!! Nooooooooooooo,it’s a Space Shuttle Scarf!!!!!This because I’ve just understood,after having had a chat with my SIL, that this will be the only way to make my nephew wear it …… So I have to say sorry to the pattern owner but the change of name in this particular case is quite necessary….. I beg you for a big and kind understanding….





I’ve found this funny pattern on Raverly while the acrylic yarn is Katia’s… 🙂 First time ever that I can say that I like an acrylic yarn at all…. it is great!Soft and comfortable to touch…It will be highly appreciate by my SIL because she will be able to wash the scarf any time needed with no fear of damaging…and I can freely say that I’ve found the raw material for a blanket to be of mine…. 😉

So,from the deep space (better the deep wood but pretend that it is deep space…..) I wave to you wishing a great evening!




Second sock sample

Hello,my dear friends!

It had taken me a while but I have just finished off my second sock sample and absolutely had to publish its photos….


Do you see any difference between the two socks…..?



I fell in love with a pattern found on Raverly and had spent some time trying to figure out how to adjust it for the numbers of stitches I cast on.Then I had tried to find the best directions for heel,foot and toe shaping and followed those found here, here and here. Well,I have still so much to learn but now I feel like to start knitting socks for me with the yarn I purchased some days ago………that’s why I say you bye,I’m off to cast on my stitches…

Warm hugs to all of you,beautiful people!!! ❤ ❤ ❤




PS:I forgot to tell you that the second sample is shaped for my Big man’s paw…. 🙂 🙂 🙂 ❤ ❤ ❤