Almost done…

Hello,my dear friends!

The holiday fever rules at my small home these last days…I was really happily busy…


As you can see from the above photo, I crocheted another pot holder



You can’t imagine how I enjoy to crochet this little beauty… Well, I’m both happy for the little translation I managed to make and seeing the flower growing in my hands…tomorrow I’ll do another one and the photos will be posted next week… πŸ™‚ Thanks once again,dear Olavas Verden, for this nice pattern!

My mug cozies are all finished!!!!!!Yuppie!!!!!!!!






Well,there were so many mistakes and unfastening and fixing and doing again…but,finally I made them!I can’t help myself and have to thank Wolf Crochet for this great and enjoyable pattern!I’m really happy that there are so many crocheters who shares their work online and help me making my home so warm and comfortable…

Do you remember my white she mouse…?I thought she needed some company so a grey he mouse came to visit her… πŸ˜€ Well,the idea didn’t come up to my mind but to a friend of mine to whom I dedicated these two creatures… πŸ˜€ he he ciao Ire!!!! πŸ™‚







Here they are,the two friends together… πŸ˜€





They are meant to take different directions,but who knows,maybe they will meet again one day… πŸ˜€ I’m in great debt with The Green Dragonfly for that gorgeous pattern!Her blog is so nice,sweet,beautiful,colourful,enjoyable….that it is worth to be seen!!!!!Just pass by and enjoy….

Santa will have to do a special delivery in Croatia…I think that my nephew can’ wait him to come and here below is one of the many gifts he’s going to get this Christmas…





I crocheted him the same mug cozy as to his father so the little boy can feel like being a big man… πŸ˜€ but,a part the little grey mouse,I’ll bought him a nice drawing made by the children hospitalised in the oncology ward at Parma’sΒ General Hospital.The Art store,Marchesi colori, sells these nice drawings and the proceeds are all donated to purchase colours for the sick kids… A great initiative!

At the end of the post I’d like to show you the two little gift boxes I crafted yesterdey morning….



They look good under the tree…


Finally, I can only wish you all a great and happy weekend!Have fun!!!!



10 thoughts on “Almost done…

      • Thanks! I’m teaching English and writing at a university in Taiwan, but I’m from the US. I try to find time for some quilting here and there. I love seeing what other people do with their crafts. I learned to knit from my grandmother, and to crochet from a college roommate. Your work is very beautiful. AND fun!

  1. Wow,Deborah….I can make advantage of your knowledge for my English then…. πŸ™‚ Seriously now,I’m half Croatian and half Italian and I have a Bachelor’s degree in foreign languages (English and French).Among all,I write my blog in English to keep active my knowledge of it.

  2. Pingback: On the Fifth Day of Christmas Santa We’re Sharing | Augusta Crocheted Yokes Pfeuffer Book 5 “Free” « Vintage Patterns Dazespast Blog

  3. Pingback: On the Fifth Day of Christmas Santa We're Sharing | Augusta Crocheted Yokes Pfeuffer Book 5 "Free" - Vintage Patterns Dazespast Blog

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